Climate Change Research Institute

Research Articles

Research publications in Materials Sciences

  1. P.K.C. Pillai & Malti Goel, Depolarization Current Characteristics of Naphthalene Photoelectrets, J. Electrochem. Soc.: Solid State Science, 118, p 359-364, (1971).
  2. P.K.C. Pillai & Malti Goel, Photoelectrets and their Applications, Physical Status Solidi, (a), 6, p 9-28, (1971).
  3. P.K.C. Pillai & Malti Goel, Effect of Alternating Field on Photoelectret Formation in Anthracene –Ind. J. Pure & Appl. Phys., 9, p 444-449, (1971).
  4. P.K.C. Pillai & Malti Goel, Investigations of Photoelectret Polarization in Pyrene, Electrochim. Acta, 17, p 1839-1847, (1972).
  5. P.K.C. Pillai & Malti Goel, Effect of Temperature on Photoelectret Characteristics of Organic MaterialsPhy. Lett. A (Netherlands), 42 –A (2) November, p 149-50, (1972).
  6. P.K.C. Pillai & Malti Goel, Investigation of Photoelectret effect in β-Carotene, Ind. J. Pure & Appl Phys., 11, p 44-48, (1973).
  7. P.K.C. Pillai & Malti Goel, Charge Formation Characteristics of Epoxy Resin Electrets, J. Electrochem. Soc., 120, p 395-398, (1973).
  8. P.K.C. Pillai & Malti Goel, Surface Charge and Infrared Absorption Characteristics of Polythylene Terepthalate ElectretsJ. Appl. Phys., 44, p 3821-24, (1975)
  9. P.K.C. Pillai & Malti Goel, Persistent Polarization Studies in a Carotenoid compound ß-CarotenePolymer, 16, p 5-8, (1975).
  10. P.K.C. Pillai & Malti Goel, Thermal Depolarization Effect in a Phenolic Resin, Polymer, 19, p 905-907, (1978).
  11. P.K.C. Pillai & Malti Goel, Evidence for Electret Polarisation in Poly-oxymethyleneJ. Macromol. Sci., Phys. B, 16, p 397-406, (1979).
  12. P.K.C. Pillai, A.K. Gupta & Malti Goel, Electrothermographic Behaviour of Some Corona Charged Polymer filmsPolymer, 22, p 356-67, (1980).
  13. P.K.C. Pillai, A.K. Gupta & Malti Goel, Effect of Doping on Electrothermographic behavior of PolystyrenePhot. Sci. & Engg. 24 (4), 201-205, (1980).
  14. P.K.C. Pillai, A.K. Gupta & Malti Goel, Study of Surface Potential Characteristics of Corona Charged Ethyl cellulose layers for its Relevance in Electro thermographyDie. Macromo. Chemie., 181, p 951-956, (1980).
  15. P.K.C. Pillai, A.K. Gupta & Malti Goel, Polarization Studies by the TSC Technique on a Blend of Cellulose Acetate and Polyvinyl AcetateJ.POLY.SCI.- POLY.PHYS.,19, p 1461- 70, (1981).
  16. Malti Goel, V.B. Gupta & P.K.C. PillaiThermally Stimulated Current Characteristics of Polypropylene with and without glass fibre, Polymer Bulletin, 7, p 1461- 70, p 103-106, (1982).
  17. V.B. Gupta & Malti Goel, A Comparative Evaluation of the enhanced stiffness of Polypropylene by uniaxial drawing and by incorporating short glass fibres, J. Mat. Sci. Lett. 7, p 1339-1341, (1988).
  18. V.B. Gupta, R.K. Mittal & Malti Goel, Energy Absorbing Mechanisms in Short Glass Fiber Reinforced Polypropylene, Composite Science And Technology, 37, p 353-369, (1990).

Research Publications in Atmospheric Science and Climate Change

  1. Malti Goel, Optoelectronics, an Informatics Future, Impact of Science on Society, (Published by UNESCO in four languages) No. 154, p 151-162, (1988)
  2. Malti Goel, The Role of Department of Science & Technology in Physics R&D, Physics News, September, p80-85, (1988).
  3. V.B. Gupta & Malti Goel, A Comparative Evaluation of the enhanced stiffness of Polypropylene by uniaxial drawing and by incorporating short glass fibres, J. Mat. Sci. Lett., 7, p 1339-1341, (1988).
  4. MONTBLEX, VayumandaL, Malti Goel & H.N. Shrivastva 19, p 1-8, 1989
  5. Malti Goel & H.N. Srivastava, Monsoon Trough Boundary Layer Experiment  (MONTBLEX), Bulletin American Meteorological Society, (USA), 71, No.11,  p 1584-1600, (1990).
  6. Malti Goel & H.N. Srivastava, Acoustic Sounding of Atmospheric Boundary Layer,  Acoustic Remote Sensing, ed. Dr. S.P. Singhal, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd., p. 407- 412, (1990).
  7. Malti Goel Superconductivity Research: A Critical Path to Technology, World Science News, January, p26-28, (1990).
  8. Malti Goel, The Atmosphere, New Technology and Coping with Disasters, World Science News, 30 January – February 6, p 13-15, (1991).
  9. Malti Goel & H.N. Srivastava, Lidar Viewing of the Atmosphere, Indian J. Phys. 64B, p. 329-345, (1991).
  10. Malti Goel, Potential of Radio Acoustic Sounding System in India, J. Acoustic Soc. of India, 19, No.1, p1-15, (1992).
  11. Malti Goel, The Greenhouse Effect – Implications for Materials Research, Science & Culture, 59, No.1&2, 5-8, (1993).
  12. Malti Goel, MONTBLEX and Monsoon Dynamics: Early Results, Vayumandal, July – December, p 45-51, (1993).
  13. Malti Goel, A Report of the Workshop on MONTBLEX Research Results, Current Science, Vol. 65, No. 12, p 897- 899, 25 December, (1994).
  14. Malti Goel, Clean Coal Technologies: Programmes and Initiatives of TIFAC, Tide, 4(3), September, p285-288, (1995).
  15. Malti Goel & Y. Ramanathan, Study of A Rain Episode in the Desert Region of the Summer Monsoon Trough, Atmospheric Environment, U.S.A., 29, No.16, p 2191-2198, (1995).
  16. Malti Goel, Indian Innovation & Management of Technology, Curie, BITS Pilani, April Issue, 1-5, (1995).
  17. Y.S. Rajan, Malti Goel, S. Wadhwa , Technology Forecast and Higher Education, J. Higher Education, 18, p 449-468, (1995).
  18. Malti Goel, University Science Education: Who Funds?, Current Science, 68, No.7, p 677-80, (1996).
  19. S.V. Kailas & Malti Goel, Planning MONTBLEX – An Overview, Proc. Indian Academy of Science (Earth & Planetary Sciences) 105, No.3, pp 209-225, (1996).
  20. Malti Goel, Information System for Reassessing Science Education in Colleges, University News, 35, No 2,p 8-11, (1997).
  21. Malti Goel, Reduction of greenhouse gas pollution in non-ferrous metal industry in Indian Perspective, Environment And Waste Management, Eds. A. Bandopadhaya, N.G. Goswami and P.R. Rao, pp 79-86, (1997).
  22. V.K. Varun & Malti Goel, Greentie: An Overview, Information Today And Tommorrow, 15, Oct-Dec, (1997)
  23. H.N. Srivastava & Malti Goel, Synthesis of Meteorological Observations and Modeling Studies to Assess Climate Change Mitigation Strategies over India, Current Science, 75, pp 95-97, (1998)
  24. Malti Goel, Aspects of Vehicular Pollution Monitoring in Delhi with special Reference to NOx measurements, MAPAN, Ed. K.K. Mahajan, A.K. Aggrawal, R.S. Singh, P.C. Jain, Vol. XII, No.2-4, July-Oct. p36-39, (1998).
  25. Malti Goel, Women in Science & Technology in India, University News (Special Issue), 36(6), p 9-13. Reprinted by Yojna, Planning Commission, New Delhi, p 15-18, (1998).
  26. U. Arora, G.P. Singh, Malti Goel & P.K. Chaudhury, Mathematical Model for Automobile Emitted Pollutant Gases, Vayu Mandal, p 207-209, (1999).
  27. Malti Goel, Energy Policy of India, Energy Policy 27, p121-122, (2002).
  28. H.N. Shrivastav & Malti Goel, Geothermal Energy Utilization: The Indian Scenario, Invention Intelligence, March-April, p 52-61, (2002).
  29. Malti Goel, Symposium on Electrets, Current Science, Vol. 83, No.12, Dec. 2002, 1437-38, (2003).
  30. Malti Goel, Electret sensors, filters and MEMS devices: new challenges in material research, Current Science, 85, pp 443-453, (2003).
  31. Malti Goel, Seema Sharma, Electroceramics Research in India, International Journal of Electroceramics, USA, 12, 2004, , p 176-179, (2004).
  32. Malti Goel, Recent developments in electroceramics: MEMS applications for energy and environment, Ceramics International, USA, 30, (7), 1147-54, (2004).
  33. Malti Goel, Aerosols – Threat or Boon? A Policy Dilemma in the Context of Global Warming, IASTA Bulletin, Vol. 17, No. 1 &2, p 571, December 2005, (2005).
  34. Malti Goel, Promoting Technology Development through Inter- sectoral partnership: Government support policies and the role of DST, Asia Pacific Techmonitor: July-August 2004, p32-38, (2004).
  35. Malti Goel,  The Role of Science & Technology in Environmental Resource Management, Arpan, Vol 4, (no. 1-2), , p2-11, (2005).
  36. Malti Goel, Environment Education in Schools: An Innovative Experiment U-Probe, Arpan, Vol 5, (no1-2), p7-18, (2006).
  37. Malti Goel , The Importance of R&D and Market based mechanisms for technology management in Steel Industry, JPC Bulletin on Iron & Steel, Vol. VI, February 2006, 7-14, (2006)
  38. G. Jayaraman, Sunita & Malti Goel Seasonal Variation and Dependence on Meteorological Conditions of Roadside Suspended particles / Pollutants in Delhi, Environment Science: An Indian Journal, (2007).
  39. Malti Goel, Meteorological Observation System in Himalayan Region under U-Probe for Education and Climate Change Mitigation Strategies, Jalvgyan Sameeksha, December Special Issues, 22, 79-92, (2007).
  40. Malti Goel, Carbon Capture and Storage Technology for a Sustainable Future, Current Science, Vol. 92, No. 9, 1201, (2007).
  41. B. Kumar, Nirmal Charan & Malti Goel, International workshop on R&D challenges in carbon capture and storage technology for sustainable energy future, Journal of the Geological Society of India 70 (1), pp. 174-175, (2007).
  42. Malti Goel, Climate Change, Polar regions and CO2 Sequestration, Indian Journal on Polar Sciences, Ed. S. Z. Qasim, Vol. 1,  pp17-21, (2008).
  43. Malti Goel, Recent approaches in CO2 fixation research in India and Future Perspective towards zero emission coal based power generation, Current Science, Vol. 97, pp1625-1633, (2009).
  44. Malti Goel, Awareness and Capacity Building Programme on Carbon Capture and Storage, Current Science, 98, 606-607, (2010).
  45. Malti Goel, Man and Environment: Past and Present, J. of Arpan, Vol. 8, pp 6-9, (2010).
  46. Malti Goel, Carbon Capture and Storage: Science and Focus for Mitigation of Climate Change, IAEE Energy Forum, Second Quarter, p 37-40, (2010).
  47. Malti Goel, Convergence of Energy Issues in National water policy, Jour. Coast. Env, Vol. 1, No. 2, p 115-126, (2010).
  48. Malti Goel, Carbon Dioxide Capture Materials, IIM Newsletter. Indian Institute of Metals Delhi Chapter, Vol. xxxviii, pp 5-8, issue 38, (2010).
  49. Malti Goel, Sustainable energy agenda for steel industry’, Minerals & Metals Review, Vol. xxxvii, March 2011, pp-16 -20, (2011).
  50. Malti Goel, Socio-Environmental Issues of Nuclear Power: Japan Calamity, J of Arpan, Vol. 8, No.1 & 2, (2011).
  51. Improving Energy Efficiency in Industries: Focus on Aluminum, Total Energy, India Energy Forum, Malti Goel, Vol. 5, issue 11, (2011).
  52. Malti Goel & Vandana MauryaBlack Carbon in Air: Issues & Concern, Journal of Air Pollution Control, Vol. XI, No. 1, p 1-19, (2011).
  53. Malti Goel, Air Pollution from Oil Spills: a new threat to climate change, Jour. Coast. Env, Vol. 2, No. 2, p 117-128, (2011).
  54. Malti Goel, Can CO2 Sequestration Provide Enhanced Clean Coal Energy? CPSI Journal, p 141-144, (2011).
  55. Malti Goel, Sustainable Energy Agenda for Steel Industry, Minerals and Metals Review, Vol. XXXVII, (2011).
  56. Malti Goel & Vandana MauryaAir pollution and climate change policy hotspots for IndiaIndian Journal of Air Pollution Control, Vol. XII, No. 1, March 2012, p1-13, (2012).
  57. Malti Goel, Climate Change, Clean Energy Development, Durban and Beyond. Governance Knowledge Centre. Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances. Government of India, (2012).
  58. Malti Goel & Prachi DasReducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD): A UNFCCC Mechanism. Indian Journal of Air Pollution Control, Vol. XII, No. 2, September 2012, p 9-17, (2012).
  59. Malti Goel, Working Paper on How Can We Harness Climate Change Mitigation Potential of REDD+ in India? (2013).
  60. Malti Goel, Vandana Maurya & Pranav N. Desai, R&D Indicators and Mapping of Solar Energy Research Output in India. Journal of Scientometric Research, Vol. 2, Issue 1, p 49-55, (2013).
  61. Carlos Mezaa, C. Lib, L. Koodlurc, Malti Goel, M. Khujamberdierve & T. Mumtaz, Energy Policy for Landlocked Countries, International Science Diplomacy Workshop on “Innovative Energy Policies for Sustainable Development”, Trieste, Italy, (2013).
  62. Malti Goel & Vaibhav Johri, Carbon Capture, Storage, and Utilization – An Appraisal of Current Situation in Coal-based Economies, in Carbon Capture, Storage & Utilization, Eds Malti Goel, M. Sudhakar, R.V. Shahi, Teri Press, New Delhi, (2015).
  63. Malti Goel, Climate Change, Technology and Energy Sustainability, YOJANA, Vol. 59, p 29-36, December (2015).
  64. Malti Goel, Awareness and Capacity Building in Carbon Capture and Utilization Current Science, Vol. 110, No. 3, 10 Feb (2016).
  65. Malti Goel, Reducing the Carbon Burden,  Science Reporter, Vol. 53, No. 10, p 30-32, October (2016).
  66. Malti Goel, Solar rooftop in India: Policies, challenges and outlook, Green Energy & Environment 1, 129-137, (2016).
  67. Malti Goel, Carbon capture and utilization technology can lead to immense benefits in the long run, Infraline Plus, March 2018, Vol. 6, No. 11, p 58-59, Experts Speak Guest Column, (2018).
  68. Malti Goel, Science Diplomacy as a Tool for Development Cooperation in South Asia Development Cooperation Review, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp 9-12, (2018).
  69. Malti Goel & Neha Tripathi, ‘Strategies for Controlling Plastic Pollution in India’, A Policy Paper, (2018).
  70. Malti Goel & Sandeep Chatterjee, Beat Plastic Pollution – Towards Swachch Bharat Abhiyan, University News, Vol. 57, 44, Nov., (2019).
  71. Malti Goel, Clean Energy Transitions and Role of Science Diplomacyin Science Diplomacy Review| Vol. 2, No. 1,  pp 27-34, (2020).
  72. Malti Goel & Neha Tripathi, Climate Change, COVID-19 and Cities: Social Transformation, in Social Action Journal. Vol. 79, No. 3, pp 206-215, July-September (2020).
  73. Malti Goel, Building Bridges between Science and Diplomacy to Address Global Challenges in South Asia in Science Diplomacy, October-December, Vol. 5, P 9-12, ISSN: 2456-5318, (2021).
  74. Malti Goel, Climate Change Action and Wind Power, Indian Wind Power, Vol. 8, Issue 1, (April-May), pp 22-25, (2022).

Book Chapters Authored

  1. Malti Goel and S.P. Singhal, “Radio Acoustic Sounding System for Studying the Lower Atmosphere”, in Acoustic Remote Sensing Applications, Ed. S.P. Singhal, Narosa Publishing House, (1996).
  2. Malti Goel  and R.K. Sachdev, “A Critical Evaluation of Clean Coal Industry as a Source of Energy”, and in Sustainable Energy Supply, Ed. P. Chaturvedi, The Institution of Engineers India, Concept Publishing House, pp 152-160, (1996).
  3. Sudersh V. Kailas and Malti Goel, ”Planning MONTBLEX – An Overview”, in Monsoon trough Boundary Layer Experiment, Eds. R. Narasimha, D.R. Sikka, A. Prabhu,  Published by Indian Academy of Science, Bangalore, pp 33-54, (1997).
  4. Malti Goel, “Reduction of greenhouse gas pollution in non-ferrous metal industry”: Indian Perspective, in Environment and Waste Management, Ed. A. Bandopadhaya, N.G. Goswami and P.R. Rao, pp 79-86, (1997).
  5. Malti Goel, “Women in Science & Technology”, in Access And Equity In Higher Education, Association of Indian Universities, Eds. Rita Verma & Rishi Dev Anand, AIU House, Mohan Printing Press, New Delhi, pp67-78, (2004).
  6. Malti Goel, “Promotion of Science & Technology in the Indian Minerals Industry”, in Mineral Resources and Development, Ed, G.S. Roonwal, K. Shahriar and H. Ranjbar, NAM S&T Centre, Daya Publishing House, pp61-72, (2004).
  7. Malti Goel, “Climate Change and Hydro-sustainability – Issues & Perspectives”, in Hydrological Perspectives for Sustainable Development, Eds M. Perumal et. al, Allied Publishers Private ltd., 536-45, (2005).
  8. Malti Goel, S.S. Gahlot, D. Goel, “U-PROBE: Blending of Mountain Meteorology And Information Technology for Schools In Uttranchal”, in Mountain Technology Agenda: Status, Gaps And Possibilities, Eds. A.P. Joshi, S.K. Aggrawal, R. Kumar, Bishen Singh, Mahendra Pal Singh, Dehradun, pp323-27, (2006).
  9. Malti Goel, “On Helium Assay, Conservation and Earth Processes” in Geo Chemical Precursors for Earthquakes, Macmilan Advance Research Series, Eds. P. Sen and N. Das, p.144-149, (2007).
  10. Malti Goel, “Carbon Capture and Storage, Energy Future and Sustainable Development: Indian Perspective”, in Carbon Capture and Storage R&D Technologies for Sustainable Energy Future, Eds. Malti Goel, B. Kumar & S.N. Charan, p3-14, (2008).
  11. Malti Goel, “Recent Developments in Technology Management for Reduction of CO2 Emissions in Metal Industry in India”, in CO2 Reduction Metallurgy, JOM, p 71-82, Feb. 2008, Eds: Neale R. Neelameggham & Ramana G. Reddy, The Minerals, metals & materials Society, TMS (2008).
  12. Malti Goel, “CO2 Sequestration: Recent Indian Research”, S.N. Charan, A.K. Bhandari in Glimpses of Geoscience Research in India, The Indian Report to IUGS 2004-2008, Eds. A.K. Singhvi, A. Bhattacharya and S. Guha, INSA Platinum Jubilee publication, pp 56-60, (2008).
  13. Malti Goel,  “Technology Management through Joint Technology Projects”, in Innovation & Technology Management, Macmillan Advance Research Series, Eds. S.P. Mukherjee, H.S. Ray, H.S. Maiti, pp 123-129, (2008).
  14. Malti Goel,  “Recent Developments in Carbon Dioxide Capture Materials and Processes in Energy Industry”, in Energy Technology Perspectives: Conservation, Carbon Dioxide Reduction and Production from Alternate Sources, Eds. N.R. Neelameggham, R.G. Reddy, C.K. Belt and E.E. Vidal, pp 53-62, (2009).
  15. Malti Goel, “Climate Change, Carbon Capture and Storage Technologies and Carbon Trading”, in Carbon Capture, Sequestration & Trading, Eds. B. Das, S.K. Ghosh, S.K. Banerjee, H.S. Ray and S.P. Mukherjee, IAPQR, Kolkata, pp1-20, (2009).
  16. Malti Goel,  “Strategic Approaches for CO2 Reduction Rate from Fossil Fuel use in Steel Industry”, in Energy Technology 2010: Conservation, Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Management, Alternate Energy Sources, Eds. N.R. Neelameggham, R.G. Reddy, Cynthia K. Belt, Ann M. Hagni, Subodh Das, TMS Publication, USA, pp 171-178, (2010).
  17. Malti Goel, “Perspectives in CO2 Sequestration Technology and an Awareness Programme”, in CO2 Sequestration Technologies and Clean Energy, Eds. S.Z. Qasim, Malti Goel, Daya Publishing House, pp 23-39, (2010).
  18. Malti Goel, “Technologies for Carbon Dioxide Sequestration”, in Climate Change: The Human Aspect, Ed. Krishen Sehgal, Kalpaz Publications, ISBN 978 81 7835 832 1, pp 71-90, (2010).
  19. Malti Goel, “Carbon Capture and Storage Technology for Sustainable Energy”, in Paths to Sustainable Energy, Eds J. Nathwani and Artie W. Ng   INTECH Open Access publishers, p. 468-482, (2010).
  20. Malti Goel, “Clean Coal Technology: A Policy Option for Energy Security”,  in Energy India 2020, A shape of things to come in Indian Energy Sector, Saket Publications, 132-138, (2010).
  21. Malti Goel, “Implementing Clean Coal Technology in India: Barriers and Prospects”, in India Infrastructure Report 2010: Infrastructure in Low Carbon Economy, 31Network, IDFC, Oxford University Press, p208-221, (2010).
  22. Malti Goel,  “Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction from Aluminum Industry in India, Challenges & Prospects”, in Energy Technology 2011: Carbon Dioxide and Other Greenhouse Gas Reduction  Metallurgy and Waste Heat Recovery, Eds N.R. Neelameggham, Cynthia K. Belt, M. Jolly, R.G. Reddy, J.A. Yorko, Wiley and TMS Publication, pp 219-230, (2011).
  23. Malti Goel, “Sustainable Energy through Carbon Capture and Storage: Role of Geo-Modeling Studies”, in Energy & Environment, Special Issue on Carbon Capture and Storage, Multi-science Publishing co. UK. Vol. 23, p.299-317, (2012).
  24. Malti Goel and Vaibhav Johri “Carbon Capture, Storage, and Utilization – An Appraisal of Current Situation in Coal-based Economies”, in Carbon Capture, Storage & Utilization, Eds. Malti Goel, M. Sudhakar, R.V. Shahi, Teri Press, New Delhi, 2015
  25. Malti Goel, “CO2 Capture and Utilization for the Energy Industry: Outlook for Capability Development to Address Climate Change in India”, in Carbon Utilization: Applications for the Energy Industry Eds. Malti Goel & M. Sudhakar. Springer, Green Energy and Technology Series, (2017), ISBN 9789811033520|
  26. Malti Goel, Rupali Pal, Aditya Sharma, “An Assessment of CO2 Reduction Potential from Carbon capture vs Renewable Energy Targets for Carbon Management in India”  in Climate Change and Green Chemistry of CO2 sequestration, Eds.  Malti Goel, T. Satyanarayana, M. Sudhakar, D.P. Agrawal, Springer, Green Energy and Technology Series, ISBN 978-981-16-0029-6, (2021)
  27. Neha Tripathi & Malti Goel, “Citizen-Centric Smart Planning: Case Study San Diego, California”, in the book Smart Master Planning for Cities: Case Studies on Domain Innovations, Ed. T.M. Vinod Kumar, Springer Nature, ISBN 978-981-19-2385-2, pp 271-301, (2022)
  28. Malti Goel, “3 Ps of Hydrogen Economy in India: Production Pathways, Policies and Perspectives”, in the book Climate Action and Hydrogen Economy, Eds. Malti Goel, Gautam Sen, ISBN 978-981-99-6237-2, pp 11-37, (2024)

B. Tech/ M.Sc./ M. Tech Dissertations Supervised

  1. Monalisa Sahoo, M.Sc. (Hons) Bio. Sci.& MSc in Management, BITS Pilani (1994-95), Indian Information Scenario-market potential & role of TIFAC
  2. Sundeep Kumar Gupta, M.Sc. (Hons) Maths & B.E. (Hons) Chem. Engg. BITS Pilani (1995-96),  Environment Impact Assessment of Vehicular Pollution in India
  3. Ashok Sreenivasan, M.Sc. (Hons) Maths & B.E. (Hons) Chem. Engg., BITS Pilani (1995-96), Techno-economic Assessment of Selected Clean Coal Technology
  4. P. Raghuram,  M.Sc. (Tech) Sci.& Tech. Development, BITS Pilani, (1995-96), Technology Assessment on Clean Coal technology
  5. H. Shankarnarayana, M.Sc. (Hons.) Economics, B.E. (Hons) Civil Engineering, BITS Pilani (1995-96), Availability of Support Mechanisms for Commercialization of Technologies
  6. K. K. Kodali,  B.E., (Hons) Chemistry, BITS Pilani, (1996-97), Identification  and Assessment of Vehicular Pollution Control Technologies
  7. Ritu Misra, M.Tech in future studies, Devi Ahilya University, Indore, (1996-97)The Role of Science & Technology in Socio-economic Sectors
  8. Prabhat Kumar Chaudhury, Associateship in Information Science, INSDOC (1997-98), Bibliometric Analysis of S&T Literature Published in India during 1995-96
  9. Shikha Garg, M.Sc.,  Natural Resource Management TERI University, (2009)A framework for energy sector in thermal power generation: Efficiency as means of reducing Carbon footprint 
  10. Rohit Kumar, M.Sc., Environmental Studies, TERI University (2009), Solid Waste Disposal: Technological, Social and Economic Perspectives
  11. Priyanka Jain, B.Tech Mining Engineering, IIT Kharagpur (2010), Techno-Economic Appraisal of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technology
  12. Prachi Das, M.Sc., Natural Resources Management, TERI University(2012), Sustainable Energy, Carbon Credits and Implementation of  REDD in India,
  13. Karishma Vohra,  M.Sc., Environmental Studies, TERI University (2012), Primary and Secondary Pollutants and Their Impacts on Human Health
  14. Sachin Laxman Wagh, M.Plan (Environmental Planning, SPA, (2016),  Integration of Solar Energy into Proposed Smart City – Nashik
  15. Addanki Rahul Khanna, M. Plan (Environmental Planning,, SPA, (2017), Integration of Renewable Energy In Cities, Case Study: Gachibowli, Hyderabad
  16. Naman Gupta, M. Plan  (Environmental Planning,, SPA, (2017), Planning Guideline For Achieving Energy Efficiency In A Sector Layout, Case Of Noida
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